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Harvest For Hope
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Harvest For Hope

Author : Jane Goodall
Narrated By : Tippi Hedren
Hachette Audio
Runtime : 6 hours
Diet & Nutrition
Exercise & Healthy Living
Health & Fitness
Our Price : $31.98 $22.49
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Delta Sleep System

Delta Sleep System

Author : Dr Jeffrey Thompson
Narrated By : Dr Jeffrey Thompson
Simon & Schuster
Runtime : 2 hours
Exercise & Healthy Living
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Our Price : $19.98 $11.98
Delta Sleep System will allow you to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up fully rejuvenated... View...
The Heartburn Cure

The Heartburn Cure

Author : Don Smith
Narrated By : Unknown
DJ Publishing
Runtime : 2 hours 55 minutes
Exercise & Healthy Living
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Our Price : $29.95
End The Searing Pain Of Heartburn Forever With These Proven, Safe, And Effective Remedies... View...
Optimum Body Performance: Enhancing Self-Discipline for Weight Management

Optimum Body Performance: Enhancing Self-Discipline for Weight Management

Author : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Narrated By : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd.
Runtime : 1 hour 18 minutes
Alternative Therapies
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Our Price : $19.95
Activating Inner Programs to Enhance Weight Loss & Management View...
Optimum Body Performance: Developing An Active Lifestyle

Optimum Body Performance: Developing An Active Lifestyle

Author : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Narrated By : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd.
Runtime : 1 hour 18 minutes
Alternative Therapies
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Our Price : $19.95
Becoming more active utilizing the power of your own mind. View...
SPORTS ENHANCEMENT SERIES...Winning the Mind Game!  Swimming Performance

SPORTS ENHANCEMENT SERIES...Winning the Mind Game! Swimming Performance

Author : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Narrated By : Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd.
Runtime : 1 hour 19 minutes
Exercise & Healthy Living
Health & Fitness
Our Price : $19.95
Enhance your swimming performance by winning the mind game. Manage thoughts & emotions, plant images of improved form & outcomes utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. View...
Have you always loved reading but sometimes find it hard to find the time? Theres nothing quite like curling up with a good book but many of us cannot do that as much as we would llike. We sacrifice this special time because we have so many other things to do each day. It is a common problem and it is the reason why people on average are not reading as much as they once did. Audio books bring the story to life just as the storytellers of the past did. They allow you to experience the book in a whole new way; in the way the writer felt and heard it in their head. You can feel the emotion when you allow audio books to let the story come to life.